Many other Joomla extensions that used to be freely available have become commercial over the last few years and are now only available through paid subscriptions.
Since jDownloads was started as an open source project from the beginning, it was of course always free to obtain and use. I would like to thank the loyal users for this and I will try to keep jDownloads up to date in the future. So by now, the number of (active) jDownloads users worldwide should be in the tens of thousands. In the course of this year the 1,000,000 download of jDownloads was made (cumulated value of all versions). Quickly, special wishes of the users were expressed, which I tried to implement even then, as far as it seemed reasonable to me. And there are now translations for almost 50 languages. In the course of the following years, however, this shortcoming was quickly remedied after more and more Joomla users showed interest in this extension. The functionality was initially reduced to the most essential and the first versions were unfortunately also only available in German. More than 15 years ago the first version of jDownloads for Joomla 1.0.15 was published by me. In the course of this year the 1,000,000 download of jDownloads was made!